In crafting this emblem, we've united two powerful symbols. At its core, the majestic Amazigh emblem stands tall, a nod to our rich heritage. It represents the strength and wisdom passed down through generations of remarkable women who have safeguarded the secrets of beauty, nurturing a legacy that's as old as time itself. But there's more. The sun, radiant and unwavering, graces our emblem. It's a symbol of not just nature's life-giving force but also the vitality that courses through every woman. Just as the sun breathes life into the world, women breathe life into beauty, infusing it with their grace and love. Our emblem is a salute to their indomitable power, an ode to their indispensable role in creating everything that is beautiful. Win tgami By Zohra embodies the harmony between tradition and innovation, paying homage to the enduring legacy of Amazigh women and their essential role in the world of beauty.